Machine park
Our machine park
Our machine park today consists of, among other things, the following:
Surface mounting:
1st Hanwha SM485 (grip function) and 1st Hanwha SM471Plus
Laser markers:
YJ Link ALMC-100CE X with associated card cleaner SMT 0400 SS from Teknek
SPI (Solder Paste Inspection):
SAKI BF-3Si (3D)
AOI (Automatic Optic Inspection):
SAKI BF-3Di (3D)
Screen printer:
1st DEK Horizon 03iX with Stinger (glue dispenser)
Soldering iron:
1st Ersa Hotflow 3 / 20th
Screen plate washer:
Kolb PS03
Selective soldering:
2 Ersa Versaflow 3/45 with two soldering irons
BGA Repair Equipment:
Our assembly is very flexible. We have developed a good production flow and we strive for continuous improvements and increased staff competence.